
Latest Hedgewars Release 1.0.0

Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10


macOS 10.8+ (64bit)








Source code (note, this code is at 1.0.2 to address build issues and a crasher in the 1.0.0 release - the Windows and OSX builds have yet to be updated)

Suggested short-description for packages: "Funny turn-based artillery game, featuring fighting hedgehogs!"


Hedgewars in GNU/Linux package managers

Hedgewars is included in many GNU/Linux distributions. Note that shortly after a release, it might take some time for your distribution to catch up.

If you don't know how to install Hedgewars on your system—or if you have problems installing—please contact us in Live Chat (it can take a while until we respond, please be patient)

If you can't find a suitable package in the list below, try searching for Hedgewars on

Arch Linux

Package page

Hedgewars player Case_Of also maintains a repository that at present is a bit more rapidly updated and has support for the latest developer version:

emerge app-eselect/eselect-repository;
eselect repository add Case_Of git;
emerge games-strategy/hedgewars::Case_Of

Those of you wanting to be on the very bleeding edge can use the 9999 version by adding “games-strategy/hedgewars **” on their package.accept_keywords to use HEAD version from the hedgewars repository, but be warned, it can make the Sun collapse.

openSUSE Package page
Slackware SlackBuild page

Hedgewars in the Software Center

If most recent version (see above) is not available, try installing it from the backports-repository, e.g. by running:
source /etc/lsb-release; sudo apt-get install hedgewars/"$DISTRIB_CODENAME"-backports
in a terminal.

If that command doesn't work for you, try enabling backports e.g. in software-properties-gtk and run sudo apt-get update before running above command again.

You might also find the -data package and the right executable package for your platform in the Package page.
Linux Mint

Hedgewars in the Software Center

Basically the same as the Ubuntu instructions above. Try to find the matching Ubuntu release for your Linux Mint version, and locate the matching hedgewars/hedgewars-data .deb files in Locutus' PPA.

Download and install hedgewars-data and the game executable. Find the right one for your system here.
If you need help, contact us.

The latest available version of Hedgewars is: 1.0.0

If you don't see a build for your operating system, keep checking back, we are adding them as fast as possible. Note that if you are running Linux and don't want to wait a few days for your distribution to catch up, you can try the build instructions.

You can install Hedgewars by compiling its source code release directly, or you can install one of the prepackaged binaries if there is one for your operating system. Unless a release has "alpha", "beta", or "rc" in its name, it is tested and considered stable for use. To upgrade to the latest release, either uninstall your old version first or just install the new version "on top of" an older release.

Mobile Hedgewars

iOS version

Source code repository

Check our official Mercurial repository for the latest source code of the Hedgewars project.

hg clone

Also mirrored on GitHub.

git clone

There are build instructions for various platforms in our development wiki.

You can watch current development activity at

All trademarks and logos belong to their respective companies. Tux, the Linux mascot, was drawn by Larry Ewing.

User login

Copyright © 2004-2024 Hedgewars Project. All rights reserved. [ contact ]